finally read the paper..... or not.
nice reference to Song About Nothing. LOVE the commentary. who is that?
you guys are canadian... which side? hope you're east. you will be coming to US to tour or something, even with Bush in offensive. I mean office.
still hearing Rammstein, but not complaining. really, I think you should just do whatever. your "sound" is pretty much all of this stuff.
so, does this mean something about the enviroment is next? we've done Social issues... World is kind of vague, but I'd say germanic songs go pretty wordly. Eco system seems to be not done, Love has been done, even if about a fictional girl.
what about darkest angst? does Weniger Als Drei count as "angsty"?
pretty soon you'll have to rerecord SAB with a new theme or something, considering you HAVE written a song about social issues and Love ect.
and I didn't vote for George Bush.
I'm really making a good use out of the 4096 characters I can use in the review, eh?
DAMNIT! you F***ing canadian mermaids... trying to assimlate us poor people...
(although that would make a good song. something about canadians/mermaids invovling EH at the end of every sentence)
{is this review too long? ... I wonder if there is a contest for the most charactures used in a review. eh, whatever