I see good concepts...
the art of course needed work, I would have work on getting a better sound quality version of the song, too.
I wouldn't let something stay on screen without moving that much... like your people, they could have moved limbs around a little, or even have PIcard just sort of look around, have some facial expression changes simply by tweening eyes, mouth, and eyebrows.
the actual jokes were funny, but like with the hypnotic spinny thing, you could ahve had that fade in over the words, and then have like when the people were spinning, have them move around the screen, getting smaller and larger, all while still spinning in that one direction. and then you can have both people spinning around.
it was good when there was something in the song, like the truth speech, the love speech, or the Hypnotic speech, but for the 'choruses' for the animation, there needed to be more variation.
I did like the thing you did with the kick in the latter half.
this may very well get blammed due to evil people on NG and the admitably sub-par animation, but don't be dishearted. A) NG is a cruel place, B) your jokes are funny, just work on the art.
also, look for shortcuts. you could always have drawn Picards head and shoulder instead, thereby making him look more normal, and spending more time on facial movements and such, and then for the hypnotic moving part, just have his head moving around, which can be even funnier, if done right.
all in all, good, but you may have to re-do this.